Don't know which song has been playing on Lutheran Public Radio radio? Try our service to discover it! In our playlist database, we keep track of all the songs played on the radio station for the last 24 hours.
The St. Olaf Cantorei - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Concordia Seminary St. Louis Chorus - O God, My Faithful God
426 When I survey the Wondrous Cross
Lutheran Public Radio Choir - In the Cross of Christ I Glory
Concordia Publishing House - Jesus Sinners Doth Receive
Concordia Seminary Lutheran Hour Chorus - Just as I Am
Children's Choirs of St. Paul's Lutheran Church - Hosanna, Loud Hosanna
St. Michael's Singers - Jesus Shall Reign Wher'er The Sun
Concordia Publishing House (CPH) - You Are the Way; Through You Alone
Robert A. Hobby - Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys - Hymn: Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! / Choir of Saint Thomas Fifth Avenue
St. Michael's Singers - Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken
The Tubadours - Hail to the Lord's Annointed
Keble College Choir - The Church's One Foundation
Barbara Gallagher - The King of Love My Shepherd Is
Liverpool Cathedral Combined Choirs - Abide With Me
St. Michael's Singers - Love Divine All Love Excelling
The National Lutheran Choir - O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
Gerald Coleman - The Lamb
Choir Of King's College, Cambridge - Hymn: All my hope on God is founded
442 All Glory Laud and Honor
Concordia Publishing House - Hark, the Voice of Jesus Crying
The St. Olaf Cantorei - Lamb Of God, Most Holy
Holy Trinity Bach Choir of New York - Weary Of All Trumpeting
Various - Paul Manz / Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word
Lutheran Public Radio Choir - Lord of Glory, You Have Bought Us
Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood, Oxford Choir of Christ Church Cathedral & Simon Preston - Messiah: XXII. Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne...XXIII. Chorus: And With His
Michael Burkhardt - All Glory, Laud and Honor
Gloucester Cathedral Choir, David Briggs - Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright (Quedlinburg)
The Alleluia Ringers - Prelude on Herzliebster Jesu
London Philharmonic Choir and National Philharmonic Orchestra - When I Survey The Wondrous Cross
The Children's Choirs of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, Indiana - Hosanna, Loud Hosanna
York Minster Choir - Glory Be to Jesus
Schola Cantorum del Pontificio Collegio Internazionale dei Benedettini di S. Anselmo in Roma & P. Notker Wolf O.S.B. - Ubi charitas
Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood, Oxford Choir of Christ Church Cathedral & Simon Preston - Messiah: XX. Chorus: Behold the Lamb of God
13 - All Glory, Laud and Honor
Concordia Theological Seminary Kantorei - If Thou But Trust in God to Guide Thee
LSB - Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace (LSB 844)
The Choirs of St. Lorenz Lutheran Church-Frankenmuth, MI - All Glory, Laud and Honor
David Berger - O Jesus, King Most Wonderful (TLH 361)
St. Michael's Singers - O God Our Help In Ages Past
Christus Chorus of Concordia University, St. Paul, Minnesota - Komm, Jesu, Komm
Charles W. Ore - O Dearest Jesus, What Law Have You Broken
Melvin Machemer, Director And Organist Saint John Lutheran Church - Kingsfold
Choir of King's College, Cambridge, Sir Stephen Cleobury & Richard Farnes - All Glory, Laud and Honour
St. Olaf College - My Song in the Night
Choir Of King's College, Cambridge - O What Their Joy And Their Glory Must Be
London Philharmonic Choir and National Philharmonic Orchestra - O God Our Help In Ages Past
The Cambridge Singers, John Rutter - Love Divine, all loves excelling
Choir of King's College, Cambridge - Antonio Lotti (c1667-1740) / Crucifixus a 8
The St. Olaf Cantorei - Were You There
St. Michael's Singers - God Moves in a Mysterious Way
LSB - In the Shattered Bliss of Eden (LSB 572)
Saint Paul's Parish, Washington DC - St Columba
St. Luke's Church Choirs - From Depths Of Woe I Cry To Thee
442 All Glory Laud and Honor
London Philharmonic Choir and National Philharmonic Orchestra - Praise God From Whom All Blessing Flow
Children's Choirs of St. Paul's Lutheran Church - Jesus, Your Blood and Righteousness
The Seminary Kantorei - Jesu, The Very Thought Of Thee
Concordia Publishing House - This Is the Spirit's Entry Now
The Choir of Truro Cathedral - Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (388)
Various - Ah, Holy Jesus / John Ferguson
The St. Olaf Choir - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Cambridge Singers - John Rutter
Come to Calvary's Holy Mountai
Concordia Seminary Lutheran Hour Chorus - Greet the Rising Sun
Sine Nomine in Canada - Let My Complaint Come Before Thee
Schola Cantorum St. James Cathedral - Let All Mortal Flesh
Concordia Seminary Lutheran Hour Chorus - I Come, O Savior, to Your Table
St. Luke's Church Choirs - From Depths Of Woe I Cry To Thee
Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys - Psalm 130: De profundis / Choir of Saint Thomas Fifth Avenue
University A Cappella Choir of Concordia University, Seward - In Silent Pain the Eternal Son
Choir Of King's College, Cambridge - Glorious Things Of Thee Are Spoken
Paul Manz - All Depends on Our Possessing
Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood & Judith Nelson - Messiah: XXX. Aria: But Thou Didst Not Leave
LSB - In Holy Conversation (LSB 772)
The Festival Choir & Hosanna Chorus - God Whose Almighty Word
Concordia Seminary Lutheran Hour Chorus - Oh, that the Lord Would Guide My Ways
Concordia Seminary Chorus - Agnus Dei
453 Upon the Cross Extended
All Saints Margaret St London - Ride On Ride On In Majesty
Huddersfield Choral Society - Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
LSB - Jesus Comes Today with Healing (LSB 620)
Choir of Paisley Abbey (George McPhee, director) - O Sacred Head
Choir of Winchester Cathedral, Waynflete Singers, & Bournemouth Sym. Orch. - Vaughan Williams / O taste and see
St. Michael's Singers - Forth in Thy Name O Lord I Go
The Children's Choirs of St. Paul's Lutheran Church - Baptismal Waters Cover Me
Concordia Publishing House-St. Louis - Lord of Our Life
St. Paul's Cathedral Choir - Lord Jesus Think on Me
The Choir of Wells Cathedral - The Church's one foundation (Aurelia)
Wakefield Cathedral Choir - Forgive Our Sins As We Forgive
National Lutheran Choir - Jesus loves me
The Cambridge Singers, John Rutter - O God, our help in ages past
Concordia Publishing House - O Lord, Throughout These Forty Days
Lutheran Public Radio Choir - Chief of Sinners Though I Be
2 - They Led My Lord Away
Academy of Ancient Music, Christopher Hogwood, Oxford Choir of Christ Church Cathedral & Simon Preston - Messiah: XXIV. Chorus: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray