Listen Radio stations: language German, page 16

List of Radio stations:

Radio station Radio Gong from country Germany
Radio Gong
Radio station Radio Hannover from country Germany
Radio Hannover
Radio station Radio HNA from country Germany
Radio HNA
Radio station Radio Horeb from country Germany
Radio Horeb
Radio station Antenne Idar-Oberstein from country Germany
Antenne Idar-Oberstein
Radio station Radio Ilmwelle from country Germany
Radio Ilmwelle
Radio station Radio ISW from country Germany
Radio ISW
Radio station Radio Joint Venture from country Germany
Radio Joint Venture
Radio station Radio Lippe Welle Hamm from country Germany
Radio Lippe Welle Hamm
Radio station Radio Lotte from country Germany
Radio Lotte
Radio station RMN Radio Melodie from country Germany
RMN Radio Melodie
Radio station antenne 1 Neckarburg Rock & Pop from country Germany
antenne 1 Neckarburg Rock & Pop
Radio station Radio Okerwelle from country Germany
Radio Okerwelle
Radio station Radio Paradiso from country Germany
Radio Paradiso
Radio station Radio PN Eins Dance from country Germany
Radio PN Eins Dance
Radio station Radio Q from country Germany
Radio Q
Radio station Radio Rheinwelle from country Germany
Radio Rheinwelle
Radio station R.SH from country Germany
Radio station CityRadio Saarbrücken from country Germany
CityRadio Saarbrücken
Radio station radio SAW - Rockland from country Germany
radio SAW - Rockland
Radio station radio SAW - Neuheiten from country Germany
radio SAW - Neuheiten
Radio station radio SAW - 2000 from country Germany
radio SAW - 2000
Radio station radio SAW - 90 from country Germany
radio SAW - 90
Radio station radio SAW - 80 from country Germany
radio SAW - 80
Radio station radio SAW - 70 from country Germany
radio SAW - 70
Radio station radio SAW - Rock Classic from country Germany
radio SAW - Rock Classic
Radio station radio SAW - Deutsch from country Germany
radio SAW - Deutsch
Radio station radio SAW - In The Mix from country Germany
radio SAW - In The Mix
Radio station Radio Sunshine-Live from country Germany
Radio Sunshine-Live
Radio station Radio TEDDY from country Germany
Radio station Radio Ton from country Germany
Radio Ton
Radio station Tonkuhle from country Germany
Radio station Radio Top 40 from country Germany
Radio Top 40
Radio station Radio Triquency from country Germany
Radio Triquency
Radio station RadioAktiv Campus from country Germany
RadioAktiv Campus
Radio station Radio 3 from country Germany
Radio 3
Radio station Rockland Radio from country Germany
Rockland Radio
Radio station RPR1. from country Germany
Radio station RPR1. 80er from country Germany
RPR1. 80er
Radio station RPR1. Top50 from country Germany
RPR1. Top50
Radio station RSA from country Germany
Radio station Rundfunk Meissner from country Germany
Rundfunk Meissner
Radio station SR kultur from country Germany
SR kultur
Radio station SR 3 Saarlandwelle from country Germany
SR 3 Saarlandwelle
Radio station SRB FM from country Germany
Radio station Star FM - Nürnberg from country Germany
Star FM - Nürnberg
Radio station Star FM - Berlin from country Germany
Star FM - Berlin
Radio station Star FM - Rock Classics from country Germany
Star FM - Rock Classics
Radio station Star FM - Alternative from country Germany
Star FM - Alternative
Radio station Star FM - Blues from country Germany
Star FM - Blues
Radio station SWR1 - BW from country Germany
Radio station SWR1 - RP from country Germany
Radio station SWR 2 - Archivradio from country Germany
SWR 2 - Archivradio
Radio station SWR Kultur from country Germany
SWR Kultur
Radio station SWR4 - RP from country Germany
Radio station SWR4 - BW from country Germany
Radio station The Wave from country Germany
The Wave
Radio station Tide FM from country Germany
Tide FM
Radio station Top 20 - Club from country Germany
Top 20 - Club
Radio station Top 20 Radio from country Germany
Top 20 Radio
Radio station UnserRadio from country Germany
Radio station Vogtland Radio from country Germany
Vogtland Radio
Radio station Wartburg-Radio from country Germany
Radio station WDR 2 from country Germany
Radio station WDR 4 from country Germany
Radio station Wueste Welle from country Germany
Wueste Welle
Radio station GT-Live from country Germany
Radio station Antenne Kaernten from country Austria
Antenne Kaernten
Radio station Antenne Salzburg from country Austria
Antenne Salzburg
Radio station Antenne Tirol from country Austria
Antenne Tirol
Radio station Antenne Vorarlberg Die 80er Hits from country Austria
Antenne Vorarlberg Die 80er Hits
Radio station Antenne Vorarlberg Die 90er Hits from country Austria
Antenne Vorarlberg Die 90er Hits
Radio station Antenne Vorarlberg Love songs from country Austria
Antenne Vorarlberg Love songs
Radio station Arabella Christmas from country Austria
Arabella Christmas
Radio station Arabella Ti Amo from country Austria
Arabella Ti Amo
Radio station Arabella Wiener Schmäh from country Austria
Arabella Wiener Schmäh
Radio station Energy - Wien from country Austria
Energy - Wien
Radio station Energy Innsbruck from country Austria
Energy Innsbruck
Radio station Energy Salzburg from country Austria
Energy Salzburg
Radio station ESC Radio from country Germany
ESC Radio
Radio station Hitradio Ö3 from country Austria
Hitradio Ö3
Radio station Kronehit 105.8 from country Austria
Kronehit 105.8
Radio station Kronehit Charts from country Austria
Kronehit Charts
Radio station Kronehit Clubland from country Austria
Kronehit Clubland
Radio station Kronehit Greatest Hits from country Austria
Kronehit Greatest Hits
Radio station LoungeFM UKW Wien from country Austria
LoungeFM UKW Wien
Radio station Mein Kinderradio from country Austria
Mein Kinderradio
Radio station Radio NJOY 91.3 from country Austria
Radio NJOY 91.3
Radio station Radio NJOY 88.2 from country Austria
Radio NJOY 88.2
Radio station Ö1 from country Austria
Radio station Orange 94.0 FM from country Austria
Orange 94.0 FM
Radio station Ö1 Campus from country Austria
Ö1 Campus
Radio station ORF Radio Niederoesterreich from country Austria
ORF Radio Niederoesterreich
Radio station ORF Radio Oberoesterreich from country Austria
ORF Radio Oberoesterreich
Radio station ORF Radio Tirol from country Austria
ORF Radio Tirol
Radio station ORF Radio Vorarlberg from country Austria
ORF Radio Vorarlberg
Radio station RadioProton from country Austria
Radio station Radio Alpina from country Austria
Radio Alpina
Radio station Arabella Oberösterreich from country Austria
Arabella Oberösterreich
Radio station Radio OE24 from country Austria
Radio OE24
Radio station Radio Soundportal from country Austria
Radio Soundportal
Radio station Radio Klassik from country Austria
Radio Klassik
Radio station Radio Technikum One from country Austria
Radio Technikum One
Radio station Radio U1 from country Austria
Radio U1
Radio station VIENNA.AT - 80er from country Austria
VIENNA.AT - 80er
Radio station VIENNA.AT - 90er from country Austria
VIENNA.AT - 90er
Radio station VIENNA.AT - Lounge from country Austria
VIENNA.AT - Lounge
Radio station Welle 1 from country Austria
Welle 1
Radio station Welle 1 Salzburg from country Austria
Welle 1 Salzburg
Radio station Arabella Relax from country Austria
Arabella Relax
Radio station Arabella 90er from country Austria
Arabella 90er
Radio station CLUB F from country Austria
Radio station House Industry from country Austria
House Industry
Radio station Kronehit Ultra HD from country Austria
Kronehit Ultra HD
Radio station Energy - Mastermix from country Austria
Energy - Mastermix
Radio station Positive Radio from country Austria
Positive Radio
Radio station Radio Freirad from country Austria
Radio Freirad
Radio station Hot 100 - Top 40ty from country Austria
Hot 100 - Top 40ty
Radio station Radio MORA from country Austria
Radio MORA
Radio station Radio Südtirol from country Austria
Radio Südtirol
Radio station Radio Suigen from country Austria
Radio Suigen
Radio station Sternenfeuer Radio from country Austria
Sternenfeuer Radio
Radio station Volksmusik Pur from country Austria
Volksmusik Pur
Radio station ERF Plus Österreich from country Austria
ERF Plus Österreich
Radio station Radio Maria from country Austria
Radio Maria
Radio station KITTRADIO-WIEN from country Austria
Radio station Radio Ypsilon from country Austria
Radio Ypsilon
Radio station Unzmarkt-Frauenburg LIVE from country Austria
Unzmarkt-Frauenburg LIVE
Radio station Welle 1 Linz from country Austria
Welle 1 Linz
Radio station Arnold Schönberg Center from country Austria
Arnold Schönberg Center
Radio station Radio Macjingle Classic Hits from country Austria
Radio Macjingle Classic Hits
Radio station Radio Macjingle Heartbeat from country Austria
Radio Macjingle Heartbeat
Radio station Radio Macjingle Todays Best from country Austria
Radio Macjingle Todays Best
Radio station Soundlarge from country Austria
Radio station Radio B138 from country Austria
Radio B138
Radio station Radio Max from country Austria
Radio Max
Radio station Radio Uno from country Austria
Radio Uno
Radio station WebRadio.Tirol from country Austria
Radio station Energy - Dance from country Austria
Energy - Dance
Radio station Energy - Hits from country Austria
Energy - Hits
Radio station Energy - Lounge from country Austria
Energy - Lounge
Radio station Energy - Pop from country Austria
Energy - Pop
Radio station Energy - R'n'b from country Austria
Energy - R'n'b
Radio station Radio Okitalk - 1 from country Austria
Radio Okitalk - 1
Radio station Radio Jugoton from country Austria
Radio Jugoton
Radio station Radio Habibi  from country Austria
Radio Habibi
Radio station Radio Okitalk - 3 from country Austria
Radio Okitalk - 3
Radio station Ruetz Radio from country Austria
Ruetz Radio
Radio station Electro Swing from country Austria
Electro Swing
Radio station KärntenLive Radio from country Austria
KärntenLive Radio
Radio station Radio-Angelnight from country Austria
Radio station Smorgasbord from country Austria
Radio station Radio Okitalk - 2 from country Austria
Radio Okitalk - 2
Radio station Rockhuhn from country Austria
Radio station NOW Radio from country Austria
NOW Radio
Radio station Radio SOL international from country Austria
Radio SOL international
Radio station Radio val Canale from country Austria
Radio val Canale
Radio station Rock FM Österreich from country Austria
Rock FM Österreich
Radio station Kamakura from country Austria
Radio station AlbaRadio from country Switzerland
Radio station Country Radio Switzerland from country Switzerland
Country Radio Switzerland
Radio station Radio Maria from country Switzerland
Radio Maria
Radio station 1.FM - Otto's Baroque Music Radio from country Switzerland
1.FM - Otto's Baroque Music Radio
Radio station Radio Pilatus from country Switzerland
Radio Pilatus
Radio station Radio FM1 from country Switzerland
Radio FM1
Radio station Radio Eviva from country Switzerland
Radio Eviva
Radio station Electro Radio from country Switzerland
Electro Radio
Radio station 1.FM - Absolute Trance  Radio from country Switzerland
1.FM - Absolute Trance Radio
Radio station RS dance station from country Switzerland
RS dance station
Radio station UZIC - Techno-Minimal from country Switzerland
UZIC - Techno-Minimal
Radio station Swiss Internet Radio - Jazz & Swing from country Switzerland
Swiss Internet Radio - Jazz & Swing
Radio station 1.FM - Back To The 50's & 60's Radio from country Switzerland
1.FM - Back To The 50's & 60's Radio
Radio station SRF Radio Musikwelle from country Switzerland
SRF Radio Musikwelle
Radio station 1.FM - America's Best Ballads Radio from country Switzerland
1.FM - America's Best Ballads Radio
Radio station 1.FM - Disco Ball 70's-80's Radio from country Switzerland
1.FM - Disco Ball 70's-80's Radio
Radio station 1.FM - Bossa Nova Hits Radio from country Switzerland
1.FM - Bossa Nova Hits Radio
Radio station 1.FM - Absolute 90's Radio from country Switzerland
1.FM - Absolute 90's Radio
Radio station ARL Alternative Radio Libre  from country Switzerland
ARL Alternative Radio Libre
Radio station 1.FM - Otto's Opera House Music Radio from country Switzerland
1.FM - Otto's Opera House Music Radio
Radio station Radio X from country Switzerland
Radio X
Radio station Zam Radio from country Switzerland
Zam Radio
Radio station Energy Zürich from country Switzerland
Energy Zürich
Radio station Magic Radio from country Switzerland
Magic Radio
Radio station 1.FM - A List 80s Radio from country Switzerland
1.FM - A List 80s Radio
Radio station 1.FM - Afterbeat Electronica from country Switzerland
1.FM - Afterbeat Electronica
Radio station Kanal K - FM 107.9 from country Switzerland
Kanal K - FM 107.9
Radio station Vibration Radio Netplus from country Switzerland
Vibration Radio Netplus
Radio station Swiss Internet Radio - Classical from country Switzerland
Swiss Internet Radio - Classical
Radio station 1.FM - Absolute 70's Pop Radio from country Switzerland
1.FM - Absolute 70's Pop Radio
Radio station 1.FM - Movie Soundtracks Hits from country Switzerland
1.FM - Movie Soundtracks Hits
Radio station Radio Lora - FM 97.5 from country Switzerland
Radio Lora - FM 97.5
Radio station COTN Radio: Creatures Of The Night from country Switzerland
COTN Radio: Creatures Of The Night
Radio station Radio Vaanam from country Switzerland
Radio Vaanam
Radio station Radio Top from country Switzerland
Radio Top
Radio station 80s Forever Radio from country Switzerland
80s Forever Radio
Radio station Swiss Biker Week Radio from country Switzerland
Swiss Biker Week Radio
Radio station 3FACH from country Switzerland
Radio station Toxic FM 107.1 from country Switzerland
Toxic FM 107.1
Radio station Radio Munot from country Switzerland
Radio Munot
Radio station True House - The Chill from country Switzerland
True House - The Chill
Radio station 1.FM - Brazilian Birds from country Switzerland
1.FM - Brazilian Birds
Radio station Radio Bern1 from country Switzerland
Radio Bern1
Radio station Swiss Internet Radio - Opera from country Switzerland
Swiss Internet Radio - Opera
Radio station Radio Jazz International from country Switzerland
Radio Jazz International
Radio station Energy 80s from country Switzerland
Energy 80s
Radio station Rouge FM - Reggae from country Switzerland
Rouge FM - Reggae
Radio station Balkan DJ Radio from country Bosnia & Herzegovina
Balkan DJ Radio
Radio station Neo1 Radio from country Switzerland
Neo1 Radio
Radio station IP music - FM 94.6 from country Switzerland
IP music - FM 94.6
Radio station SRF 2 Radio Kultur from country Switzerland
SRF 2 Radio Kultur
Radio station IP Music Slow Radio from country Switzerland
IP Music Slow Radio
Radio station 1.FM - Otto's Classical Music Radio from country Switzerland
1.FM - Otto's Classical Music Radio
Radio station Rouge FM - Italia from country Switzerland
Rouge FM - Italia
Radio station Radio Rottu Oberwallis from country Switzerland
Radio Rottu Oberwallis
Radio station SRF 3 Radio from country Switzerland
SRF 3 Radio
Radio station 1.FM - Jamz from country Switzerland
1.FM - Jamz
Radio station Traxx FM Hits from country Switzerland
Traxx FM Hits
Radio station Furry FM from country Switzerland
Furry FM
Radio station 1.FM - All Euro 80's Radio from country Switzerland
1.FM - All Euro 80's Radio
Radio station SRF Radio Virus from country Switzerland
SRF Radio Virus
Radio station Maxxima Radio from country Switzerland
Maxxima Radio
Radio station Radio Rasa - FM 107.2 from country Switzerland
Radio Rasa - FM 107.2
Radio station 1.FM - Fashion TV Radio from country Switzerland
1.FM - Fashion TV Radio
Radio station from country Switzerland
Radio station SRF 1 Radio from country Switzerland
SRF 1 Radio
Radio station Radio Uahid from country Switzerland
Radio Uahid
Radio station Audiomatic Radio from country Switzerland
Audiomatic Radio
Radio station Sonata Hellvetica Radio from country Switzerland
Sonata Hellvetica Radio
Radio station Rouge FM -  Rock from country Switzerland
Rouge FM - Rock
Radio station Radio Inside from country Switzerland
Radio Inside
Radio station Energy - Urban from country Austria
Energy - Urban
Radio station Radio Radius from country Switzerland
Radio Radius
Radio station Radio Stadtfilter Winterthur from country Switzerland
Radio Stadtfilter Winterthur
Radio station Musiq Radio from country Switzerland
Musiq Radio
Radio station Radio Freundes-Dienst from country Switzerland
Radio Freundes-Dienst
Radio station RadioChico Schweiz from country Switzerland
RadioChico Schweiz
Radio station Energy - Acoustic Hits from country Austria
Energy - Acoustic Hits
Radio station Energy - Love from country Austria
Energy - Love
Radio station Energy - Fitness from country Austria
Energy - Fitness
Radio station La Triperie Radio from country Switzerland
La Triperie Radio
Radio station Starfrosch Radio 1 from country Switzerland
Starfrosch Radio 1
Radio station SRF 4 Radio News from country Switzerland
SRF 4 Radio News
Radio station Traxx FM Gold Hits 90' - 00' from country Switzerland
Traxx FM Gold Hits 90' - 00'
Radio station Traxx FM Trance from country Switzerland
Traxx FM Trance
Radio station Traxx FM Electro from country Switzerland
Traxx FM Electro
Radio station Traxx FM Gold Hits 70' - 80' from country Switzerland
Traxx FM Gold Hits 70' - 80'
Radio station S4-Radio | DE from country Switzerland
S4-Radio | DE
Radio station 1.FM - Eternal Praise & Worship Radio from country Switzerland
1.FM - Eternal Praise & Worship Radio
Radio station 1.FM - ReggaeTrade from country Switzerland
1.FM - ReggaeTrade
Radio station 1.FM - Destination SPA from country Switzerland
1.FM - Destination SPA