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The most powerful nuclear weapon ever tested - WORKING OVERTIME #34
JFK - speech on secret societies
Magazine - The Light Pours Out of Me
Bomb Shelter Radio - Chemical METAL Special
Bomb Shelter Radio - THE TERRORDOME #5
R.L. Burnside - Have You Ever Been Lonely?
Frank Zappa - Willie The Pimp
The Psychedelic Furs - Love My Way
PSA: It is safe to eat or drink packaged food items or items that were inside a building. Do not consume food or liquids that were outdoors uncovered. - Cow in the Pool
The Clash - The Magnificent Seven
The Buzzcocks - Why Cant I Touch It
“Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.” - WORKING OVERTIME # SEASON FINALE
Bomb Shelter Radio - FUN TOWN no.16
Television - Marquee Moon
Well I could call out when the going gets tough The things that we've learnt are no longer enough No language, just sound, that's all we need know - GIVE ME THE PUSH #2
While Beijing has long focused on maintaining a minimum deterrent, it is likely that its nuclear stockpile will increase in the next few decades. - WORKING OVERTIME #47
Cabaret Voltaire - Nag Nag Nag
Jonathan Pie - - The Trouble with Identity Politics
Bomb Shelter Radio - GIVE ME THE PUSH #11
The Mekons - Where Were You
Bomb Shelter Radio - GIVE ME THE PUSH #19
Bomb Shelter Radio - THE TERRORDOME #22
Crime - Piss On Your Dog
Gang of Four - Damaged Goods
The Cuban missile crisis showed that neither the United States nor the Soviet Union were ready to use nuclear weapons for fear of retaliation. - Halloween Special 2022
A nuclear blast is different than a dirty bomb. A dirty bomb, or radiological dispersion device, is a bomb that uses conventional explosives. - WORKING OVERTIME #51
Bomb Shelter Radio - THE TERRORDOME #18
Bomb Shelter Radio - GIVE ME THE PUSH #6
Less than one percent of the nuclear weapons in the world could disrupt the global climate and threaten as many as two billion people with starvation - WORKING OVERTIME #52
Roky Erickson - I Am
Television - See No Evil
The Lively Ones - Surf Rider
Bomb Shelter Radio - THE TERRORDOME #21
R.L. Burnside - Poor Boy
Ian Dury - Wake up and make love with me
Bomb Shelter Radio - THE TERRORDOME #23
The Ventures - Walk -- Dont Run
Well I could call out when the going gets tough The things that we've learnt are no longer enough No language, just sound, that's all we need know - GIVE ME THE PUSH #2