Don't know which song has been playing on Bali Extreme Radio radio? Try our service to discover it! In our playlist database, we keep track of all the songs played on the radio station for the last 24 hours.
Smash ID Station - You are still listening Bali Extreme Radio! From the heart of Bali, a sound that's truly extreme. Bali Extreme Radio, where the music's always supreme. Rockin' 24/7, non-stop, and loud. Turn it up and let's get the crowd! Stay tune on b
The Room - Bebas
Taring - Tragedi Langit Kelam
Rose Of Sharyn - Fakta Kuasa Regresif
Rose Of Sharyn - Blood Of Victory
Ritual Ceremony - Abad Kegelapan
Smash ID Station - You are still listening Bali Extreme Radio! From the heart of Bali, a sound that's truly extreme. Bali Extreme Radio, where the music's always supreme. Rockin' 24/7, non-stop, and loud. Turn it up and let's get the crowd! Stay tune on b
Revenger (Denpasar) - Aturanmu
Nararya - Penyesalan: Terdalam
Nararya - Penyesalan: Cinta Terlarang
Durhaka - Kalki Avatar
Smash ID Station - You are still listening Bali Extreme Radio! From the heart of Bali, a sound that's truly extreme. Bali Extreme Radio, where the music's always supreme. Rockin' 24/7, non-stop, and loud. Turn it up and let's get the crowd! Stay tune on b
D'Providers - Black Angel
Dirty Machine - Conspiracy
Defectory - Inhuman Suffering Disease
Death Row - Neraka Berwajah Surga
Carnage - Bala Parasit
Beauty For Kill - I'm Evil
Balzabuth - Balzabuth
Balzabuth - Kemuliaan Dewi Dhurga
Analtopsy - Vaginal Side Penetration
Ajal - Kristalisasi Mulut Sampah
Ki Barak Selem - Kanda Pat Sari
Dejavu - This Squad
Criminal Asshole - Protest
Antipop - Abortus Syndromes
Reviled - Balas Dendam
Smash ID Station - You are still listening Bali Extreme Radio! From the heart of Bali, a sound that's truly extreme. Bali Extreme Radio, where the music's always supreme. Rockin' 24/7, non-stop, and loud. Turn it up and let's get the crowd! Stay tune on b
Rezume - Squirt Orgasm
Snickcoaster - Everything's Gonna Be Okay
Shorten Us To Heaven - Berontak
Rose Of Sharyn - Fakta Kuasa Regresif
Rose Of Sharyn - Blood Of Victory
Ritual Ceremony - Abad Kegelapan
Smash ID Station - You are still listening Bali Extreme Radio! From the heart of Bali, a sound that's truly extreme. Bali Extreme Radio, where the music's always supreme. Rockin' 24/7, non-stop, and loud. Turn it up and let's get the crowd! Stay tune on b
Revenger (Denpasar) - Aturanmu
Nararya - Penyesalan: Terdalam
Lorong - Fear Tears and Blood
Lemurian Codex - Sacred Secret Stone
Smash ID Station - You are still listening Bali Extreme Radio! From the heart of Bali, a sound that's truly extreme. Bali Extreme Radio, where the music's always supreme. Rockin' 24/7, non-stop, and loud. Turn it up and let's get the crowd! Stay tune on b
Langit Murka (Tabanan) - Berpesta Menuju Neraka
Ki Barak Selem - Jenggot Uban (Gending Rare Cover)
Khalikamaya - Pralaya
Keeper of D Death - Another Side
Hell Darkness - Ngrogo Suksmo
Gorgoth - Memuja Para Pendosa
Smash ID Station - You are still listening Bali Extreme Radio! From the heart of Bali, a sound that's truly extreme. Bali Extreme Radio, where the music's always supreme. Rockin' 24/7, non-stop, and loud. Turn it up and let's get the crowd! Stay tune on b
Glast Heim - Destiny
Dying Inside - Suffer In My Insanity
Durhaka - Jiwa Yang Kelabu
Balzabuth - Balzabuth
Balzabuth - Kemuliaan Dewi Dhurga
Analtopsy - Vaginal Side Penetration
Ajal - Kristalisasi Mulut Sampah
Agonized - Face Of Decomposition
Acroveina - Manuscript Upon Decimation
Smash ID Station - You are still listening Bali Extreme Radio! From the heart of Bali, a sound that's truly extreme. Bali Extreme Radio, where the music's always supreme. Rockin' 24/7, non-stop, and loud. Turn it up and let's get the crowd! Stay tune on b